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Instant Transformation Blog

Experts share their insights

Instant Insights

Covering all aspects of Digital Transformation

In the KPS blog, experts write about the Digital Transformation - here, background knowledge and facts are conveyed and, above all, you find inspiration for your own entrepreneurial transformation. Each article shows a new perspective - the blog series deal with the new big topics of the future.


The authors of the Instant Insights in the KPS blog are experts on their topic and are happy to answer any questions you as a reader may have! Feel free to get in touch.

Supply Chain Management
How does an AI affect your SC?
By KPS on Oct 28, 2021 / Reading time: 4 Min.
AI can process a multitude of external and internal data and trigger error-free decisions based on it. AI enables smooth operations at all nodes of the supply chain and is able to orchestrate and automate the cooperation between logistics and production.
How does Process Mining achieve fast and efficient results?
By Christine Huschenbeth on Jun 15, 2021 / Reading time: 4 min.
What can we do to increase the number of "perfect processes"? From the ordering process to delivery and receipt of payment, things can go wrong. With sufficient available data, we make predictions, correct deviations or at least plan for them. How could this look like for the complex area of logistics?
What does the fashion supply chain need in a crisis?
By Tobias Götz on Mar 16, 2021 / Reading time: 5 min.
Service in logistics is part of a convincing product: Logistics has evolved from a supporting process in the value chain to a core process. Only those survive in the market who convince the customer with their reliability, speed and service orientation in the supply chain.
What must logistics offer in the future?
By Jørgen Klüwer on May 7, 2020 / Reading time: 5 min.
Shopping via face and product recognition via camera data analysis is already being tested as a new standard - the operation of the last mile by drone or autonomously driving delivery vehicles are already reality.

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